"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Day of Preschool

Yesterday was a big day for the kids. It was the first day of preschool for da Boo.

Ain't she cute? I switched her to a different preschool this year. The main reason for the change was because none of the kids in her old class would be going to kindergarten with her. Her new class is much more academic and highly structured. I hope it will help get her ready for school.

And the Boy learned how to ride on his tricycle all by himself! He can pedal, although he goes backwards as much as he goes forwards. Da Boo has a bike helmet so he insisted on wearing one. Ended up with the Man's helmet on sideways. Then he fell off the bike. Went head first, of course. I think the helmet actually helped but he still got a bump on one side of his forehead. And just like a boy, he wanted to get right back on his tricycle! No fear in that kid!


Amanda said...

Da Boo is just so darn cute! I just want to hug her, & kiss her chubby little cheeks!!!! How exciting...a new pre-school and only 1 year before KINDERGARTEN! Is her school every day? What are the hours?? We need a picture of the boy on his trike!

Kristie said...

She is looking cute! I hope that she enjoyed her first day! I agree that we need a picture of that trike and the boy!!!

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