Went with "Girls' Camp" theme, I thought. Turned out nicely and didn't take me as long to decorate. When we arrived, they had a silent auction set up for all of the baked goods so my teddy bear was taken to that table. Starting price: $5. I kept checking on it, under the guise of bidding on some English Toffee (which I won). There was a bidding war between two families, which was kinda cool. It went right up to the end as they counted down the seconds for the silent auction. Final price? $23. I was a little disappointed. Maybe if they had more time or put it in the regular auction, it might have gone for more. Then, since it had been popular, they asked if I would offer my cake decorating skills as a service for the regular auction. I agreed and felt a little better. There were so many items, from gift certificates to Sundance resort, carpentry labor to lawn mowing services. It took a while and a lot pf people had left before the end. A cake from me went for only $16. That's a little more than the cake will cost me to make. Oh well...it's for a good cause, right?
We walked away with two bracelets for kids, a session of horseback riding, an evening of babysitting and of course, the toffee. Now I'm going to eat a huge piece of toffee and read everyone's blogs.
Chocolate calendar quote that fits right now: "Stress would not be so hard to take if it were chocolate covered."
People In Utah Are CHEAP! Sorry....but that cake would have gotten at least $40...Maybe more! That is SO ADORABLE!!! I love how you went with the camp theme. And $16 for your cake? I hope you make them a simple one......But knowing you...I doubt it:) I wish you lived here I would come over and eat all that yummy toffee with ya (even if you didn't want to share!)
Well, I think that it is a SUPER cute cake and would have paid a lot for it!!!!!! My kids just get the regular old 9X13 cakes with frosting and those little cake toppers that you buy at the store for their birthdays!! Nothing fancy like that. I think you do a great job!!!
Kristie----YOu did make that fire Engine cake last year!!! Don't short change yourself:)
This is such a cute cake! I love the s'mores and girls camp theme to it!
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