"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

Friday, May 18, 2007

My Failure As A Mother

Can you keep a secret?

Come a little closer...


Okay, here's the deal: I cannot handle vomit. Not even my own. Hate it, hate it, hate it! So I fail as a mom when my poor kids are puking like mad, feeling sick and miserable. All they want is their mommy but I am covering my mouth and heading for dryer ground! The Man and I even made a pact before we were married: I could handle what came out one end of our kids if he would handle the other end.

This brings me to why I haven't posted in the last couple days. I've been hiding. Well, not really. Actually, I was sick first. Of course, the Man has a business trip and can't take care of me. He did make it to the store to stock up on Sprite and Pepto Bismol before racing off to the airport. (Note to self: next time the flu hits, claim I have an important meeting with Santa Claus and catch the next flight to the North Pole!)

So I spent Thursday moaning, groaning, sipping Sprite and downing the pink goodness that is Pepto. Last night was da Boo's Preschool Graduation...I'll post pictures later. I called in the re-enforcements (namely Aunt Denise) to make sure she would have someone with her. I was able to make it but not without lots of whining and whimpering. All seemed well in the land of Me.

Then midnight rolls around.

Da Boo wakes up crying. I tuck her back in and turn up her ceiling fan. Then I head back to bed. A little while later, she wakes up again. Before I can make it to her room, her crying is interrupted by an all too familiar sound. I stop. I contemplate hiding in my closet for the rest of the night. As she continues gushing like Old Faithful, I decide to gird up my loins and go to battle, reminding myself to breathe through my mouth.

A load of laundry, a shower, a floor scrubbing, two mad dashes to the outdoor garbage can, new jammies and a set of clean sheets later, da Boo is back in her bed and I can go back to mine. I certainly didn't win any medals for valor, as I frequently had to leave the room to stop my gagging. And more than once, I was cursing the Man for leaving me to this misery. But it's finally over.

For now.

**UPDATE: It's just about 6:30 pm. I talked to the Man earlier. He is sick! So I hereby retract all muttered curses and mean thoughts toward my beloved, who is stuck in another state with only room service to take care of him. Hope they have lots of Sprite!


Kristie said...

oh! I am so sorry!!! I hate it when my kids get sick and it ALWAYS happens when Barth is out of town. Without fail. They can never get sick when he is in town. (okay so that is not totally true, but it feels that way!!) I hope everyone feels better at your house soon!!!!

Jessica G. said...

And I should probably mention that while I was in the Land of Puking Guts yesterday, the Boy ate almost an entire giant chocolate bar that he gave me for Mother's Day. He must have figured that since I had failed as a mom, then all gifts were forfeit.

Kristie said...

Too funny!!!!!! My kids came home from priamry with chocolate and candy for me on Mother's day and then THEY ended up eating all of it!! Oh the sacrifices we make as mothers. You will get BIG brownie points in heaven for having to clean up throw up when your husband is out of town!!!!

Heather said...

yeah, you're a way better mom than I am because if my girls pull an old faithful in the middle of the night they get a hose down and sleep on beach towells. Fans to get rid of the smell and nighty-night I'll deal in the morning.

Amanda said...

Steve can not deal with throw up at all....so It is always me. Throwing up is THE WORST! I am so sorry:( That sounds horrible for you and Da Boo:( And it would not be any fun to be out of town and sick. Get well soon....

The Slothower Family said...

That totally sucks. whenever my kids get sick like that and kalani is around I pretend to be really grossed out and he is so kind that he cleans it all up. I am way too good at it. I hope everyone is feeling better over there. Let me know if you need some of my homade chicken noodle soup.

Tipi said...

isn't it suposed to be 7up not Sprite?

at least it wasn't eyeballs! LOL!

Love you lots,
Get well all of you!

Debi said...

There's nothing like motherhood to grow us all up. God had a smart plan, didn't he? I hate throw-up, too, but believe me, I got USED to it!! Aaron threw up in every way, at every time, and in every place, on every roadside. I can now eat while someone throws up without missing a bite! Now, that's progress.

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