"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I Miss My Mom

Do you have those days when you miss your mother? If your mom lives close by, then you probably don't have the chance to miss her, but my mom lives 2,000 miles away. We don't get to see each other as often as I'd like. Maybe it's because I'm looking forward to seeing her at the end of the month or maybe it's because I haven't been feeling so hot the past few days or because the Man's mom is visiting...or maybe it's just that I haven't seen her since last summer. I miss my mom.

My mother is amazing. If you knew me when I was a teenager (and a lot of you did), then you know how difficult I made her job. I still do not know how she did it all and having kids myself, I really don't know! But every time I miss my mom, I think of my favorite Mom memory...

I was a kid. We lived in Colorado. With seven kids, there wasn't a lot of extra money. However, my mom always seemed to find enough cash for the occasionally DQ Blizzard for us to share or maybe even lunch out. The ideal lunch spot was The Hamburger Stand. It was an A-framed building that was mainly a drive-thru. They were a popular place because they offered hamburgers for 29 cents. And when you have seven kids, that's doable.

One afternoon, we piled in the huge maroon van and headed out for lunch. It was special treat and we were very excited, hopping all over the place (weren't there seatbelt laws then?) and just generally being crazy. After placing our order, my mom pulled up to pay at the window. It was about this time that we noticed the car behind us. Inside, were two young men. They wore white shirts, neckties and black name badges. Now, it Utah, it's not a big deal to see missionaries because there are so many wards and therefore, several sets of elders (and sisters), but in Colorado, it was very rare. We went wild! My brother and I leapt over the backseat and proceeded to wave like crazy out the window. They probably thought we were nuts (and they wouldn't be far off).

Mom: What did the car behind us order?
Window Lady: Just two 29 cent burgers.
Mom: I'd like to pay for their lunch but let's change their order to two combos with the larger burgers. Sprite to drink.
Window Lady: You want to...what?
Mom: I'd like to pay for their lunch but let's make it a better one.
Window Lady: Okay...?

We squealed and giggled! As we slowly pulled away, we saw the looks on the elders' faces as Window Lady tried to hand them a much larger bag of food. We couldn't hear the conversation, but I imagine they frantically tried to explain that this was the wrong order, that they couldn't pay for this much food. But the Window Lady insisted, even pointing toward our departing van as she explained.

Every now and then, when I'm in a drive-thru, sometimes I pay for the car behind me. I usually do it if the car has a woman driver, especially if it's a young mother with a carload of kids, who look like they are driving her crazy as they strain against their carseats.

Yep. I miss my mom.

What is your favorite Mom Memory?


Holly (2 Kids and Tired) said...

That is so cool. When I lived in California, we always paid for the car behind us when we crossed one of the bridges. This last Christmas, the woman in front of me paid for my meal once at Jack in the Box, so I paid for the car behind me. It's such a neat thing to do!

Bonnie the Boss said...

I am going to do this. I think it would be a lot of fun. Your mom deserves a gold star just for the fact that she had 7 kids. Even if they were all angel's. You hinted to the fact that, that wasn't the case. Let her know how amazing we all think she is.

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

I loved this post:) As always you tell a great story, and it made me feel sad for you that your Mom is so far! I have trouble with 30 minutes sometimes....just cause we can't walk across the alley anymore:( I am glad she is coming to visit you soon!!! I'll think of my mom memory and post it on Mother's day on my blog:)

Unknown said...

Of course that was AManda

Kristie said...

I loved your memory!!! I, of course, miss my mom too!!! Lots and lots!! I talk to her like everyday (and I am not kidding!) You have an awesome mom for sure!!!! I hope that you have a good time when your mom comes to visit you soon. I have like 100+ favorite memories, and I will have to post one on my blog. Thanks for the idea!

Robyn said...

Jess, that was cute story, it made me relize how blessed I am to live two minutes from my mom! Im the oldest and only daughter so I have always had a special connection to my mom! She is my hero, she is the hardest worker and would do ANYTHING for me! I think I need to tell her today!

Amber said...

That's an awesome story! I have an awesome mom too- and I'm lucky enough to have her live 10 minutes away!

Jo said...

What an awesome story! I am sure your mom will be tickled pink to read it.
I miss my mom too. She lives about 900 miles away, and I get to see her at least once a year, but I still miss her.
And now I am a mom and I live thousands of miles away from my oldest and there are times when I miss her so fiercely my heart aches.
Favorite mom story? I have so many! One of my favorites is when my mom graduated from Law school, the older grand children stood up and screamed, THAT IS MY GRANDMA!
I am going to have to keeping thinking, because geez, how do I narrow down hundreds into just one?

Rupper Family said...

Jess, I liked that story, isn't it sweet that memories of service our mothers give stand out so much in our minds?
Two of my best friends have lost their Moms in the past year and it's made me cherish mine all the more.
My favorite day with my Mom was a few years ago when Brett and I stayed at the parents' for the summer. The day before we left my Mom and I spent entirely together, refinishing her old cedar chest for me to take with me. We went through her old keepsakes and she told me stories of her childhood, all while she taught me how to strip, stain, and finish the chest. Whenever I open the cedar box I am still reminded of that hot summer day with my Mom, which was such a rare occasion as she had nine of us and it was a novelty having one on one time!
I loved your post. I always love reading your blog...and don't worry, I won't start stalking you!

Rupper Family said...

Jess, I liked that story, isn't it sweet that memories of service our mothers give stand out so much in our minds?
Two of my best friends have lost their Moms in the past year and it's made me cherish mine all the more.
My favorite day with my Mom was a few years ago when Brett and I stayed at the parents' for the summer. The day before we left my Mom and I spent entirely together, refinishing her old cedar chest for me to take with me. We went through her old keepsakes and she told me stories of her childhood, all while she taught me how to strip, stain, and finish the chest. Whenever I open the cedar box I am still reminded of that hot summer day with my Mom, which was such a rare occasion as she had nine of us and it was a novelty having one on one time!
I loved your post. I always love reading your blog...and don't worry, I won't start stalking you!

Tipi said...

You may get to see her more then I do,
I’m her favorite!

Debi said...

Well, you have a good mother to miss...I miss her, too! Your memory makes me want to go out and do something nice.... :) I remember as a girl riding in the car with my mom and my sister, the windows down, wind blowing in our faces, hair blowing wildly... singing songs at the top of our lungs ... really good ones like, There's a Hole in my Bucket and Old Lady Leary.:) By the way, there were NO seat belt laws in the olden days. My kids used to ride in the "back, back" of our big old station wagon. The cars were heavier back then and carseats for kids were just flimsy things to hold them up so they could see out the window. :) Some cars weren't even equipped with seat belts...they were an option.

Nat said...

What a great story. I'm sorry you miss your mom. It makes me greatful mine is only 35 miles away. She was over this morning watching the little ones while we did Kindergarten registration. I do miss her sometimes, but that is easily remedied by an afternoon trip to Grandma's. My mom had eight kids and only two were girls. My most favorite memories are the Fathers and Sons outings when my mom, sister and I would go out to dinner, then we'd stay up all night eating ice cream and watching chick flicks. My sister now lives on the east coast and I have a nursing baby (who is a boy) so the girl parties aren't quite the same; but that doesn't keep up from having them!

Good Queen Lyn said...

I miss my Momma too, and I might not get to see her for a Very long time, cause she's in UTAH visiting my youngest sister, then she's heading somewhere else to visit another sibling. but I love my mom, Cause she still loves all 7 of us, plus the husbands and wives we've added to the mix, and all the grandkids that have been produced. She is and was an amazing Mother to me and all the extras that we had in our house at any given time. She deserves a Mother's YEAR!

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