"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

Saturday, August 29, 2009

What is this?

I've noticed these objects all around town...attached to fences or poles like this one. But what are they? What do they do?

Since I don't know what they are, I let my anxiety go all wacko over their potential purposes. No, really...it's fun! For instance, they could be detection devices, that record passersby identity by reading the microchip that we were all implanted with when we thought we were getting a vaccine (thank you X-Files!). Or maybe they are detection devices but they're looking for people listening to bad music...that's why your favorite song goes fuzzy on the radio...they're trying to protect you from yourself. Or perhaps it's not a detector, but a beacon, letting the circling alien mother ships know they have successfully assimilated themselves into our world and are awaiting further instructions. But it could be nothing at all like that. In fact, this could very well be just like a geocache, but instead of using multi-million-dollar satellites to find tupperware hidden in the woods, you get points for placing these in the most random locations.

And if you don't know what it is, take a guess!


Kristie said...

That is so strange! I haven't seen anything like that around here, so I have no idea at all!!! My rather boring guess is that it is there to catch some sort of strange insect that is out of control or something.

Annette Lyon said...

I'm guessing a yellow jacket and wasp trap. Those things are nasty buggers this time of year.

Jana Nielson said...

It is some kind of bug trapper thing that the Bug Abatement guys put out. My neighbor was one of those abatement guys.

Leslie said...

Must be some sort of bug trap.

W E I R D !

Lindy said...

They are traps for the Japanese beetles that were killing all the crops and orchards in the Orem area a year or so ago. I haven't seen as many traps lately, but there used to be a ton of them, especially in Orem.

Me (aka Danielle) said...

I'm with Annette..they look like bee traps! Especially if they are placed near trees or bushes!

Janell said...

Alas, I haven't your active imagination. They trap June bugs :)

Heather said...

Er a mailbox? Lunchbox for utility workers?

Jillybean said...

It's an experiment in human behavior. Someone has put these things up all over, seeing how many of them it takes before people start asking what in the heck they are for.

Either that or they are "happiness meters" to measure just how much happier the people are who live in your valley, compared to those living up north.


Tipi said...

oh my gosh! I can't believe how many people have bought into the harmless bugg trap cover story!

Seriously does no one read between the lines of the news?
They are *Farther content edited by MIB* go about your day, that is all.

Emma said...

You are hilarious! Tipi yours is the best! LOL

Jo said...

I think they are little rockets. Hanging there looking all harmless, until someone presses the "button" and they will blow up.

Rupper Family said...

I don't know what those are, but have you seen the upside down tomato planters made out of tarp material? Yeah, I've seen them on the infomercials and in TONS of yards, the things don't work people! Your tomato plants are all dying and p.s. they aren't yard decor either so take them out of your front yards people and get your money back!

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