"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

Friday, August 7, 2009


There are a few phrases that are not permitted in my house. Along with the usual suspects, the kids aren't allowed to call people "dumb" or "stupid." You can call the Wii stupid or your wrong-side-out-mega-frustrating pajamas dumb, but you cannot call a person that (or the fish because they can cry, too). "Crap" is no longer welcome, although it slips out more than I'd like to admit, but it's just not cool when your little boy, while trying to shake hands with the bishop at church, accidentally drops his paper from Sunday School, immediately followed by him exclaiming "Oh my freaking crap!" (True story.)

New item on the banned list? Saying "Awwwwww!" And I'm not talking about the "Awwww, Baby is so stinking adorable!" (because really, she is) I mean the nasal-toned "Awwww...I don't wanna wash my hands!" That one. While as a parent, the whine-manifested-into-speech never had much convincing power, my kids have used it so often that it has become a knee-jerk reaction whenever I ask them to do something even mildly unpleasant. Here are some examples from recent days:

Me: Boy, you need to get your shoes on-
Boy: Awwwwwwwww!
Me: -so you can go play at your best buddy's house.
Boy: Awesome!

Me: Hey kids, time to turn off the Wii-
Kids: AWWWWWWWW! (in unison, no less)
Me: -because we're going to Krispy Kreme.
Kids: Oh. Okay!

So if I were to keep track of Things That Are Dead To Me, the phrase "Awwwwww!" would make the short list. Along with white chocolate. And Sponge Bob Squarepants (he's the one except to the "stupid" rule).

What phrases are banned at your house?


The Ransoms said...

They had better not have called my Fred Astaire stupid....it was a different fish, right?

Bonnie the Boss said...

There are so many things that should be banned at my house, but I am the one with the biggest potty mouth. So it makes it hard to enforce!

Jessica G. said...

Heather - Of course not! It applies to all pets in general, and since fish are the only pets we have (for now), they are not to be called stupid. Although trying to get him out of his curved tank so I can clean it elicits other words...

Kristie said...

Ha, ha! You are too funny! The word hate is banned at our house as well as the others that you mentioned!!

Annette Lyon said...

My daughter has a LOOK that would make the short list. She refuses to believe it exists. One of these days I'll catch it on film. Let's just say she's 12, and boy does it show. It's very close to "AWWWWWWWW" only visual.

Unknown said...

Well, I hate to admit not much is banned...I ban attitudes more than specific words, and plenty of sassiness has earned time-outs in my house.

I was never allowed to say 'butt', and while I thought my moom was alsmot psycho about it, I now see the wisdom in it..I hate the phrases involving it and it does eearn some discipline to my kids, but no...it's not really banned.

Jillybean said...

We have never allowed the word stupid. About anything. (mostly because I didn't want them using it in reference to each other)
I have relaxed the standards quite a bit with the younger kids. I made my older kids use the word "toot" but one of Max's favorite words is "Fart"

Tim and Angie said...

So funny! I can totally relate to all of this. One that is banned here is the phrase, "I know, but..." In Lydiese is means, "I'm not listening to what you just said and I'm going to do it my way." It is said WAY too often.

Me (aka Danielle) said...

You crack me up!

Ha Ha is banned at my house. Seems harmless enough but after hearing my 4 year old say it after just about every triumph or failure of his little brother, I am about to lose it!

Nat said...

Stupid, shut-up, sucks, freakin', dork, loser, etc...

Oh my goodness! I feel like a potty mouth! Oh, and I loved this post! I definitely feel your pain!

The King Family said...

Hahaha hehehe!

Stephanie said...

These are great. I wish more people banned stuff. :) Sponge Bob IS stupid. The one that really gets on my nerves lately is that after watching Tom and Jerry, my boys picked up on the phrase "pussy(cat)" and I keep trying to get them to stop saying it for obvious reasons, but they don't really get it. Grrrr.

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