"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

Monday, April 16, 2007

FHE: Feelings (and BOY! Do I got 'em!)

For Family Home Evening tonight, the Boy "taught" the lesson. Well, it was his turn but mostly he sat in his chair and sucked down milk from him sippie cup while I talked about the picture he colored at Church. But I am getting ahead of myself.

Opening Song: Hannah Had The Hiccups. (Not in the Church songbook but one of da Boo's favs so guess who was in charge of songs tonight?)

Opening Prayer: da Boo. (Daddy was in charge of prayer but he was off fighting a network dragon so he couldn't join us).

Lesson: The Boy, his milk, Mommy and his picture from nursery. We talked about different feelings we have and practiced making the faces that go along with those, although the gist of the lesson was nearly derailed when I asked for silly faces...oh boy...shoulda known better. So I finally get them refocused. Feelings, people! Come on, let's pay attention before I start emoting all over your behind! Then we talk about how we need to talk about how we are feeling instead of just crying, screaming, or hitting. I was trying not to look directly at da Boo during this part, but considering how much time she's spent in Time Out today for hitting, I hope she got the message.

Closing Song: Monkey See, Monkey Do. (Another preschool favorite.)

Closing Prayer: Me.

Treat: Puppy Chow! (I was in charge of treat so I picked something I've been craving.)

We adjourned so I could go to the craft store and get paper for the Boy's birthday party invites. I don't feel like throwing a big party for toddlers so we're having more of a neighbor BBQ.


Amanda said...

Okay that puppy chow sounds YUMMY!!!! And do you have all your recipes in that file! That is awesome...I am jealous!

Heather said...

Love, love, love that you post your FHEs. I also love that the boy was in charge of FHE. If melia did it we would probably run around and bite the couches with her. Do we hate that there's no preschool this week?

Kelly said...

Ahhh, Puppy Chow, what great memories. I haven't had that stuff in years. Now Megan has had some Pedigree in the past month. Now, I would think a 9 year old girl would be grossed out by eating dog food and I wouldn't have to tell her not to do this.

Kristie said...

Sounds like a fun FHE!! I love FHE with little kids. It is just so much fun. They do such funny, cute things when they are little.

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