That show began my appreciation of British humor. It's why I have a limited edition, collector's version of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." Also, because I'm a dork. So it was only fitting that my hero, John Cleese*, could explain one of my pet peeves in a way that had escaped me all these years. Sure, I knew why what these people were saying was so wrong that it caused my internal editor to gag, choke, and possibly dry heave a little. But it took the perfectly eloquent Mr. Cleese and his Windows 95 clipart charts to explain it.
And since my current template tends to cut off the edges of videos, you might have better luck viewing it here.
Love it! I love at the end where he says "and I hope I will not have to speak to you about this again."
So funny.
No one says it like Cleese!
(Thanks for the linky love!)
Yes! I used to say this, until I understood the error of my ways, and now it annoys the crap out of me!
I totally agree!!!
Want another one?
You're Christmas shopping, you see a sale for:
"TV's, STEREO's, VCR's!"
They're actually selling, TVs, stereos, and VCRs but somehow in the misplaced apostrophe conundrum someone decided they desperately need an apostrophe when talking about multiple appliances. But of course the apostrophe shouldn't be there and they're actually advertising some other unidentified things that belong to their TV, VCR, and stereo.
Rant rant rant...
I LOVE monty python & John Cleese! I also hate when people say "suposebly"...and my husband pronounces theoretically, "theory-etically," which he does all the time b/c he knows how much it annoys me!
Lets see, could I care less? yeaaah, probably;)
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