So far, there have been:
5 Fights
4 Temper Tantrums
2 Threats
1 Bloody Lip
2 Time-outs
1 Sent to Room
And it's not even snack time yet! Not looking forward to the rest of the summer. I saw this comic strip featuring Baby Blues and have adopted it as my motto.
Its going to be a looooong summer!
Great Comic!
I think I need to get myself a crown.
Just be glad your kids are not yet tall enough to run the washing machine.
Good old summer vacation. I'm always so excited for it to get here. After the first week, I question my sanity and wonder how I'm going to make it for the next couple of months...
Funny post! Real life is kinda funny like that, especially when it's happening to someone else!
Good luck! I think you'll need it!
Ha ha ha! I love it! I'm going to try that.
Good luck this summer!!! :) Cute cartoon. I must say that I love the summer time and having my kids home because they love to help me clean. They think that it is the most fun game ever and keeps them very busy!!! You could always give that one a try. The windows at my house can keep my kids busy for hours!!! So, they may not really be all that spotless, but I will take what I can get. :)
I SOOOOOOOO hear you on this one!
First day of summer.....lots of wrestling and whining. I had to work, so I just paid them to be quiet during my clients...
You make me grateful I only have one left at home anymore. I see a lot of chores in your children's future and I dind't even need my crystal ball for that one!
Love Baby Blues, and what a perfect comic. It is good to be Queen.
THANK GOD I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!I keep getting these mommy guilt pangs. Like maybe I should be excited that it's almost summer time, when I actually feel like someone is about to take away my birthday. I suspect that the mommy types out there that chirp on about looking forward to "family" time either have a nanny stashed in the closet or a cabinet full of Xanx they aren't talking about!!! LOVED your swap stuff over at 2under2whew
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