Hooray for the Favorite Things Swap! I'm already trying to decide what items I want to put in it this time around...and the packages don't go out for another month. Can't have the Cadbury Creme eggs since Easter is over but I think I'll still include the Fry Sauce. Gotta put in a Tide-To-Go pen but not sure about having a movie in there this time (I had Sahara because it based on a novel by one of my favorite authors and Matthew McConaughey doesn't wear a shirt and it was only $5 at Wal-Mart)...not sure what else to add.
What one item would you definitely include in a "Favorite Things" swap?
i ALWAYS add my fave candybar..but each package is different...that's what i love about favorite things, you can either stick to what you know and send the same thing, after all you do have a different partner, or send a bunch of other fave items.
it's all fun...glad you are playing!!
Chocolate! What if you include one of those cool new cake mixes you are trying out?
Hmmm.....Beef jerky. I love Beef Jerky.
My kids...and an apron! :)
...because my kids are a few of my favorite things. (Just wanted to clear that up!)
herbal tea bags! I love a nice hot cup of tea, even in the summer.
OOOOOH - definitely include the fry sauce! :)
I always try to include in all my swaps a little something "Texas", cookie cutter, postcard, flower seeds, etc.
Oh, and as a favorite thing to include - definitely some sort of chocolate!
p.s. If you love the swapping, check out swapdex.blogspot.com - it's a site that has links to all kinds of swaps. That is how I found several that I have done.
Hi there! I am your Mamarazzi swap buddy. Can't wait to send you some of my favorite things! Going to look around your blog and get to know you a bit...
Definitely- chocolate! Or Twilight Books. How does the swap thing work? Is there a price limit? I would love to do it, but worried about cost.
Licorice. Just because I had it today and it tasted so good :)
Hi Jessica- I'm Jackie, your partner for the Mother's Day Swap! I'm looking forward to reading your blog and seeing what you like. My 1st question- what smells do you like? Clean, bakery, fruits & flowers, nature? I'll tell you more later, just trying to get an idea for you!!
My favorite drink is a strawberry frapachinno from Starbucks. In fact it is the only thing I drink from there, I don't like their hot chocolate. I would add a gift card for Starbucks. Maybe I should do a swap it sounds like fun.
Junior Mints. Oh, and my fav. Scentsy bars, maybe a few favorite recipes, and supplies for a favorite craft to do with the kids.
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