"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under." - Ronald Reagan

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Homeowner's Policy

Shortly after we moved into our house, the local waste disposable company invested in a new truck. This one has a big ol' claw that grabs the cans and dumps them. The driver doesn't need to leave the vehicle.

However, this was a new process and the worker assigned to our route was still working out some of the bugs.

His first time picking up our trash can, he crushed it.

The can wasn't a total loss. The back was cracked in several places but it still held together. For a while. The sections of plastic started breaking off. It took a couple years, but eventually the entire back of the trash can was missing. When the stray cats started feasting on our garbage, it was time to take things seriously.

This isn't just your typical patch job. Oh no. Nothing but the best for our trash can. Three layers of card board wrapped the back. Then a whole lotta duck tape. Seriously. See that? That can wasn't losing any more trash. Not on my watch. Surely this fix was going to last forever! Or at least until we moved out of the house.

One month later...

Duck tape just isn't what it used to be.


Janell said...

Every now and then the garbage truck literally eats our garabage can. We just call the wate management folk and they bring us out a shiny, new can. Will yours not replace what they broke?

Miss Angie said...

Yuck. I say if they're going to have trucks like that, they need better garbage cans!

Amanda said...

that's how both our trucks are and they have never hurt our trash can....and why won't they just deliver you a new can???? I don't get it?

elesa said...

Oh duct tape, how are we ever supposed to trust you again?

Derrolyn said...

I'll trade you - I'm on a dead end, and the truck basically ruined my driveway using it to back up in :( !

Debi said...

Sorry for your loss....But I bet you are the most popular homeowner in the neighborhood with the animals.

Our city also just gives you a new can if the old one is damaged...no questions asked. Try calling the city to find out the procedure. :)

Debi said...

PS. I bet my grandson will LOVE this post!

Jessica said...

Yikes! You should send this photo to the garbage people and request a new one!

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